Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Character: A Matter of the Heart

One of my goals for 2013 was to work on my character, and the character of my children.  In the past, I've used several resources for this, but at this point Bear and Abby aren't old enough for those.  I have been very blessed this month to be able to review 2 character improvement products that were to be used with younger children.  In fact, the book I am reviewing today is to be used with the whole family, all ages, including mom and dad!

Character: A Matter of the Heart by Lorrie Flem is a comprehensive book designed to give the family ideas on how to implement character training in MY family (or your family).  Designed to be used in the best ways possible for MY (YOUR) family, Lorrie gives many suggestions, ideas and encoruagement to guide you on this journey. 

Lorrie encourages mothers, to give Dad first place in this endeavor and to follow their lead.  Using her ideas, we are taking one character trait at a time - Obedience this month - and working through it as a family.  Lorrie reminds us that character is CAUGHT rather than TAUGHT - remember mom that our character shows through every day!

I'm thankful that this resource came when it did.  If you are looking for something that you can use with your whole family, then take a look HERE, this booklet is available for only $4.97

***I received this product for free, in exchange for a fair review as part of the Gabby Moms review program.***


Glenda said...

I will hang on andenjoy the ride as long as your with me. I stopped by after joining Gabby Moms and finding out your one of there bloggers. Have a nice night.

Cindy said...

Great idea to take one trait a month to work on. Just think what 2014 will look like :)